Saturday, January 9, 2010

Second Anniversary of My First BookCrossing Publication

The first time I had anything published with Bookcrossing was two years ago. It was especially lucky for me as it was the first thing I had ever written for them. Here's the link to the article:

Generally, when Bookcrossing approves and publishes an article, they'll let the author know via email. I didn't find out about the publication until maybe a week later, partly because I was behind on my email as it was and partly because I was too stressed out over my mom's then Himalayan cat Mo who, due to what turned out to be complications to his liver, was in the hospital at the time to even mess with email or Bookcrossing.

(It'll be two years ago tomorrow that, due to what little chance he would have had of a proper recovery, Mom ended up making the difficult decision to have him put to sleep. He would've been six the following summer. May he rest in peace.)

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