Thursday, September 2, 2010

Didn't Get Near As Much Reading Done As I Had Intended

I had somewhat taken part in the August-September read-a-thon for Bookcrossing, but I don't think I got in so much as a full hour. A good part of it was because I got sidetracked by *gulp* Facebook's Cafe World.

For those of you who don't know what Cafe World is, it's a game where you set up your own virtual cafe where you "cook" certain dishes (the time of which could be anywhere from three minutes to a couple of days). This game is set up for one to repeatedly go back to. By cooking dishes and visiting neighbors (other Facebook friends who play the same game), you earn points, and when you earn points, you reach another level.  On some levels, there are more dishes you can cook. On others you can have another stove or countertop (the latter being what you put the dish on after it's done).

Their latest feature is where you can cater for certain clients. One of said clients is Wholesale Dale to whom you sell 88704 servings of a dish. That's been my first one, which I'm not nearly done with despite having started it last Thursday night. (I thought that it had to be bacon cheeseburgers that were sold to him, so that's what I've been selling him. So far, I've sold 26,335 servings.) I've also had two other caterin orders where I had to serve certain dishes a certain number of times. However, you can get around the serving part if you have enough cafe cash. (I finished one of said orders this morning. I had to get some help from a "neighbor" on an dinner party order.)

Even though I got a bit distracted with Cafe World, I did get a little reading done. I'm currently up to chapter 22 in The Eyes of Darkness.

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